
Booking your appointment:

Please email, phone or text for scheduling. I look forward to hearing from you!

(360) 774-1473

northstaracutonics (or) click on the “Contact Us” button below.

Cost for your session:

  • 1st appointment = $120 This will include a thorough review of your intake paperwork, initial intake talk, a session plan, and the session itself.

  • All subsequent appointments - $100 This will include a check-in about your current needs, a session plan, and the session itself.

  • Payment may be made by cash, check or charge.

    Cost for your session (Sound Bath):

    • $100 Individual

    • $75 Each for 2 people

      Please contact me for information regarding larger group sessions or private events

    Payment may be made via cash, check or charge

Both in-person & distance Acutonics sessions are available.

What to expect during your appointment: (In-Person)

  • Please set aside an hour and a half for your appointment time. This will include your arrival, payment for the session (cash, check or charge), a short visit, the session itself, and some feedback afterwards.

  • The session is done with clothes on. Please dress comfortably, preferably not in jeans.

  • I will adjust the temperature of the room to your needs, so please let me know if you prefer it to be warmer or cooler.

  • You’ll start out face down on the massage table, and part way through we’ll have you turn over to face up.

  • During the session itself, you will hear me activate the tuning forks (thwack, thwack), and then I will place them onto body on the designated acupuncture points. If you get sleepy, just go with it and let yourself fully relax.

  • Singing bowls are also used during the session, and gongs are used at the very end.

  • At the end of the session, you’ll have a bit of time to relax and wake up gently

What to expect during your appointment: (Distance)

  • Distance sessions can take place in a few different ways, so please be sure to specify your preference. 1.) At a specified time with both parties on the computer. 2.) At a specific time, with a check-in, and then neither party on the computer. 3.) At a time that fits into the practitioner’s schedule, with notification to the client afterwards.

  • Please set aside an hour and a half for your appointment time. This will include a short visit, the session itself, and some feedback afterwards.

  • Please dress comfortably, and set yourself up in a quiet room with a spot for lying down.

  • During the session itself you will hear me activate the tuning forks (thwack, thwack), the singing bowls and the gongs (at the end).

  • If you feel really relaxed and sleepy, just go with it and let yourself fully relax.

  • If you are asleep at the end of the distance session, I will contact you with feedback via phone or email later on.

Let’s Work Together